Book Review: White Jacket Required

Book Review: White Jacket Required By: Jenna Weber blogger of ‘Eat, Live, Run’
ISBN: 978-1-4027-7777-6

In White Jacket Required, Ms Weber begins with the common college dilemma, of ‘now what?’ and take us through her process of trying something new (culinary school), as her attempt to pursue her love for life, food and activity. 

Ms Weber accurately and gracefully describes the awkwardness of post-college limbo and how it not only impacted herself and her family, but the experience her peers were going through too.  Sweetly incorporating the recipes from the story throughout the book.  The recipes themselves are simple, and yet, original with nods to traditional favorites.

For those looking for Bourdain ruggedness, you will not find in Ms Weber’s prose.  She comes from a wholesome place while maintaining feminine honesty. 

This book I recommend as an easy weekend read with a bottle of something other than Chardonnay. 


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