Weekly Letter: Emerging
Carmen Champion Carmen Champion

Weekly Letter: Emerging

For them to have an opportunity to transform without any safety net and see who they become. Every part of my being is cheering on this huge decision, because when you see someone on the precipice of massive transformation-how can you not root for them?

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Weekly Letter: Getting off track
Carmen Champion Carmen Champion

Weekly Letter: Getting off track

I noticed myself getting off track last week. Letting things take longer than they should, talking to people in the shop longer than I normally would, feeling disconnected from my work and crossing my fingers that the motivation will come.

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Weekly Letter: Foregiveness - Part 3
Carmen Champion Carmen Champion

Weekly Letter: Foregiveness - Part 3

I told her I was writing about forgiveness and how I was trying to bridge the gaps in the process. As we talked and told stories about how we came to navigate different situations in life. The concept of boundaries became very clear.

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Weekly Letter: Observing Mother Nature
Carmen Champion Carmen Champion

Weekly Letter: Observing Mother Nature

I’ve never been to Ireland, but I imagine the rolling plains South of Bloomington looking similar to Ireland as they radiated with the color of new growth.

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Weekly Letter: Detours as a Universal Message
Carmen Champion Carmen Champion

Weekly Letter: Detours as a Universal Message

I wonder if it isn’t some kind of sign to let go. That ultimately our perception of control is a lie and to sit down and receive the universal message that we are not in control.

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Weekly Letter: Learn your tendency
Carmen Champion Carmen Champion

Weekly Letter: Learn your tendency

Something that helped me was learning my habit-forming tendency. Gretchin Rubin wrote a book called, The Four Tendencies a few years ago and reading it was like a light bulb going off in my head.

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Weekly Letter: Light & Dark Part 4
Carmen Champion Carmen Champion

Weekly Letter: Light & Dark Part 4

Much like strengthening a muscle, exercising the light and the dark invites us to become more sensitive and aware. To observe the delicate balance of both when we are in the moment so the moment doesn’t take us over.

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Weekly Letter: Light & Dark Part 3
Carmen Champion Carmen Champion

Weekly Letter: Light & Dark Part 3

There is something very loving about this idea of how yoga can approach you in ways that defy words. How it can be more a feeling than anything and when you hit the stride of it all you just move as though in a dream. Colors are different, and what you see and feel pull together in such a harmony there are few experiences like it.

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