Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting By: Pamela Druckerman

ISBN-13: 978-1594203336

Perusing my local public library, I came across the title of Ms Druckerman's book and picked it up on a whim.  I'm not a parent, but hope to be someday and as soon as I realized what it was about I was intrigued-soley due to the descriptor discussing how French babies will eat leeks.  Now, it has never occurred to me to feed a baby a leek, but I understood the bigger picture here: we can teach our children to be well-rounded eaters.  We can show them how to not be picky and that trying something new is a good thing!

Ms Druckerman takes us on her journey that began with her observing the differences between her child and the other Parisian children and how those differences came about through differences in parenting practices.  She also points out some interesting habits American parents have adapted over time that are silly and in some cases-counterproductive.

This book is a smart, well researched, well written and entertaining parenting guide for couples who are looking to have a balance within their family, work and love.  Ms Druckerman gives parents the opportunity to still be independent and sexy partners in life.  I'd say without the guilt, but as she points out-there can always be something for a parent to feel guilty about, but its weighing that guilt against the best interest of the child and the relationship.  For someone like me (non child), its refreshing to know that children can complement a relationship and not take it completely over.  I have found my parenting guide!

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