Book Review: Recipes for Disaster: A Memoir By: Tess Rafferty

'Never judge a book by its cover'-that's what all parents should be teaching their children, right?  I saw the cover and I'm sorry to say-I judged.  A cute brunette with rollers in her hair and an exaggerated surprised look on her face as she sips a martini-made me think they used Chelsea Handler's stylist.  I had reservations even picking up the book because I was afraid as to what I would see: would I read overly grotesque descriptions of a party tramp?  I never watched The Soup and I don't care for women who use trashy comedy for cheap laughs-so yes, I judged.  I judged heavily upon opening this book.

The first few pages of Ms Rafferty's book gave adequate build up-clever humor paired with honest humility.  I appreciated not reading about her sexual conquests, although shes not shy about discussing her dating life-to a respectful degree.

As we move to L.A. with Ms Rafferty and 'The Boyfriend'-one learns about the less drug-laden side of the comedic scene.  Ms Rafferty doesn't subject us to the same experience someone, say Sam Kinison, may have had.  Instead we learn how difficult and uncertain careers are to obtain-through the entire book there is an underlying tone of perseverance you dont expect.

The largest element of the book are the dinner parties Ms Rafferty hosts.  The stresses, successes, relationship testers and uncertainty that personalities will meld at each affair.  Ms Rafferty walks us through each dinner party discussing what went right or wrong, what would need to change for the next party and regales us with some rather entertaining events that can occur when you combine people, alcohol and their idiosyncrasies.

In addition, Ms Rafferty includes some recipes throughout the book, but while in many cases-the reader is inclined to skip the 'directions' portion-I recommend reading hers.  The directions contain pointers for cooking, parties and some fun story tidbits you wont want to miss out on.

I found Ms Rafferty's book a funny, light-hearted manual for the beginning hostess.  I will definitely be picking up a few copies for my girlfriends and as housewarming gifts.  I also will be keeping an eye out for any future publishing's by Ms Rafferty-as they are sure to entertain!   

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