Book Review: The House Across the Lake

 Rating: 3 Stars

Genre: Thriller

I came across Riley Sager's books a few years ago, but I don't remember how. I was looking for something suspenseful to read during the Fall. A book to settle myself into the Halloween spirit, but also something fun. 

Growing up with an older brother, I was subjected to Freddy Kruger, Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers at far too early an age. Campy horror movies, to me, is what the Halloween season is all about.

Sager's book remind me a bit of the 70's-80's camp mixed with Christopher Pike. The story arch formula always delivers with just the right amount of twists and turns to keep the reader engaged all the way through. I find Sager's writing to be smooth and polished, making the story line flow.

Sager also is a clear fan of the female protagonist. Each lead with clear flaws or quirks that keep them unique and special to the specific story Sager is building. This also lends itself to my beloved 80's camp.

In The House Across the Lake, Sager takes a classic setting and brings a mystery to the reader. Isolated intrigue and a small cast of characters build out connected scenes that can quicken the pace of the read when the story builds in intensity.

This particular story may not have been my favorite among Sager's works, but I was definitely carried through an enjoyable story to satisfy my craving and the book read well all the way to the end.

Overall, a fun book that was easy to read!


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