City dweller with a country home

I live in the city, not a city in comparison to NYC or Chicago, but a city in comparison to the town of less than 400 people I grew up near.  I live in an apartment in said city, so space for things I enjoy are limited.  Fortunately, my parents live 30 minutes away, making visits easy.  And I have a mother who loves to text and keep me updated on the garden and various other activities on the farm.  I love getting these text-they make the city feel less cramped and keep me connected.

I thought I may share the messages with you and give you a little 'look' inside country life and how sweet it really is.
5/10/13 Mom's text reads, 'For you'

 Asparagus is a true mark of Spring for me!  One of my favorite things to pick and eat!

5/13/13 Mom's text reads, 'its growing'

In this garden we have snow peas, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, spinach, lettuce, green peppers, jalapenos, and more.   

5/17/13 Mom's text reads, 'sweet potato plants just got in mail.  They are sending new ones.  They froze in mail.

5/19/13 Mom's text reads, 'does this backhoe look familiar?'

My 3 year old nephew, Noah 'working' in the garden with my mom.  I believe the text reference was to my brother.

5/27/13 Mom's text reads, 'splashing'

The rain this spring has been incredible!  And not in a good way.  Farmers are just about caught up before more rain hits, but thats the way it goes sometimes.  We keep our gardens on higher ground to protect them from flooding (you can see one in the background).

6/1/13 Mom's text reads, 'garden #1'
This garden has the raspberries, corn, tomatoes, beans and potatoes.  We have trouble with this garden sometimes as it is close to the timber and contains things animals love to devour.

6/1/13 Mom's text reads, 'Uncovered beans, deer enjoyed.'

And devour they do.

6/1/13 Mom's text reads, 'baby cauliflower'

Can you believe the leaves on these things?  Beautiful!


How Setting Goals For Your Garden Now Can Save You Over $500!


PART 2: The Daily Pantagraph's Article on Vicky Shaffer in 1984: