5 Things to do in August to transition into Fall

Oh Illinois, how you like to live in a constant state of transformation. I think people in Illinois have to be some of the most patient people because there is never any certainty in the weather, so we are always flexing plans and arrangements to accommodate Mother Nature’s personal agenda.

While it can be a hassle, it certainly has its charm at times, and I love living in a place that has all 4 seasons…even though we often experience 3 in a day. August marks a significant transition, not only for the weather, but for the community. Schools begin, schedules change, it’s a time of preparation. It’s interesting to me that even among my friends we have been talking about the awkwardness of August. Do we put out fall décor? Is that too soon? When does Halloween go out?

So I sat down and started looking over some of the things that I do, and I’m going to offer them to you, if you’re navigating the change of energy August brings. 

1.  Get out your flameless candles.

I personally LOVE Luminara flameless candles. They look like the real thing with a moving ‘flame’ and the best part is they have a 5 hour timer. I put them in dark parts of my Victorian home to create some light for moving around when it starts getting darker earlier. And they just
create a good vibe on cool nights.These candles stay out all year long and fit any decor style.

2.       2. Bake some bread

Zucchini bread is a great way to use up some garden harvest and between the act of baking and the cinnamon in the batter, you will feel good and cozy. My recipe makes a double batch, so I send one loaf to work with the hubby.

3.       3. Set your Fall goals

When we started this, I don’t remember, but each season my husband and I sit down and talk about all the things we’d like to do that is specific to the season. The list may include carving pumpkins, going on a drive when the leaves turn, having a bonfire, etc. We also have seasonal movie lists that we fold in with the DVD’s (yes, we still have DVDs). These lists are helpful when we have free time or need inspiration. Do we mark everything off? Never. But the act of making the lists is fun!

4.       4. Schedule your furnace inspection

My uncle gave me this advice after we bought our house. Schedule your furnace inspection in August because you don’t need the heat on, it’s a good cushion of time if there is an issue and the companies are not busy yet.

A few other things you might need to schedule:

·         Trimming the trees back

·         Gutter cleanout

·         Clean exterior windows

·         Any winterizing that is a pain to do when its cold

5.       5. Change the playlist

This is probably the easiest way to create a vibe and adjust it to the day. Summer playlists are a little easier to find, but how do you create on for Fall? I’ve been experimenting with a few, but this really does depend on your tastes so I’ll offer this as a stepping off point.

On Spotify, they have playlists called: Cottagecore Fairy Tale, Cozy Jazz Café, Autumn Instrumentals and Autumn Piano. I also have been doing a Bach station that has been pretty nice in the background.

What would you add to the list?



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