Fun Weekends Treats

Last night Levi and I decided to pick up dinner at The Fresh Market.  I love this store, it has all the fun of going out to eat without the wait-list and when I go, I always try to pick up something new along with an old favorite or two.

The Old Favorite: Xochitl Totopos de Maiz

Approx: $5.50/bag @ Fresh Market

These corn chips are thin, crispy and a perfect compliment to any dip!  For those of you missing the chips from Chevy's-these are the closest thing to them!  I promise-you wont notice the difference!


The New Favorite: The Fresh Market's Biscotti with Italian Fig

$4.99/pint @ Fresh Market
I grew up in a ice cream loving family.  My grandfather's motto was: 'Never drive past a Dairy Queen'-a motto I think some members take a little too seriously, but I digress.  I love to try all sorts of ice cream, sorbet, gelato, etc...and find very few I dont like.  The Fresh Market has a fun selection to peruse-I just wish there was more rotation-I took a chance on this pint and while the gelato was delicious and creamy, it had freezer burn on one side.  I have noticed frost on some of the pints at Fresh Market, so just be aware-as good as it looks-even those pints with the slightest frost have been there too long.  I took a chance and found a wonderful treat spited by neglect.

A Farmers Market Favorite: Ropp Jersey Green Onion Cheddar

$5 for ~8oz. @ Bloomington's Farmers Market
This morning upon roaming the vendors at the Farmers Market I found myself passing the Ropp Jersey Cheese booth.  The same gentleman is there with samples and friendly conversation.  Today, Levi and I tried the Green Onion Cheddar and it was incredible!  The cheese had a wonderful soft texture and the green onion was present, but not overpowering.  For a locally produced cheese-I found the price incredibly reasonable.

*On a side note: Last week at the Bloomington Farmers Market, I tried the Ludwig Farmstead Creamery's Raw Milk Mozzarella ($5-6ea.) and was rather disappointed.  I love to pair mozzarella with many things or just eat it alone as a snack.  While the consistency and appearance of the cheese was fine, the mozzarella itself was sour and salty.  Did anyone else have an experience like this? 


Recipe: Ernestine Finger's Gooseberry Pie


Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets to Avoid!