Friday's Fridge Photo

I've been wanting to do something fun for my Friday posts, but I have been failing to come up with a decent idea.  So, for a time-I'm going to try something new and something I haven't seen done.  Every Friday Im going to take a photo of the inside of my fridge.  Why?  Because so many people view food-enthusiasts to be this pretentious group that would never use anything generic or cheap because of its poor quality or what-have-you.  I want anyone who reads this to understand one very important detail of me: I am not a food snob.  I buy generic, I eat McDonald's sometimes and I buy store-bought mayonnaise.  So, with that in mind, please don't judge me:

Not Pictured: the door of condiments, cilantro, shredded cheese, cucumbers, iceberg lettuce and 1/2 of a yellow onion

Levi and I don't go out to eat very often. We try to cook at home in an effort to eat healthier, save money and because we don't live in a very food-savvy area (unfortunately).  Our lunches are fairly boring, I eat at work and he comes home and eats leftovers or a simple salad.

This week, we were rather busy and I didn't cook much, but here is a run-down of our dinners:
Sunday: Zucchini Pancakes
Monday: Whole wheat linguini with jarred tomato vodka sauce, garlic bread and chicken sausage stuffed with basil and asiago cheese.
Tuesday: leftover pasta and zucchini bread
Wednesday: Bacon and onion quiche
Thursday: Destihl Brewery had an open house that night, so we snacked there

Yes, I buy pre-made pie crust, judge away!  Quiche is my 'lazy' meal I prepare using whatever is leftover in the fridge.  Plus, Levi loves it (thank goodness!).  I would like to make more pie crust, but I have yet to perfect my recipe...

Anyway, there you have it!  Enjoy!

*This photo was not sponsored by Meijer-even though it looks that way!

Pickled Onions: My takeaway from The Windy City


The Many Faces of Zucchini