Table Manners: Cell Phones

I love old movies in black and white.  I'd love to think of myself as clever as Nick and Nora Charles, with their banter and sweet Asta.  They look so elegant picking up the heavy receivers on the hallway table.  One of the elements of family tradition that has translated cultures and generations is the dinner table.  And as sacred it is-too many people have been modernized by the ease of dining out and technology to abide by simple table manners.

You are not obligated to agree with any of this, but I assure you-you're less likely to offend by following these simple dinner time guidelines.

1. Use the dining table.  The dining table is an opportunity to share some quality time with those you love.  Turn on some Sinatra or, my favorite, some Brazilian music and ease into the meal.  I love the French mentality: you chose your spouse-love them and show them love.  With that-use the dinner table as an opportunity to charge the cell phone.

2. Shut the ringer off and take some time for those in from of you.  If you are out to eat for the evening-keep it in you pocket or purse with the ringer off.  Enjoy the time you in-not the time you want to be in.  This is also my way of saying: enjoy the journey.

3. No excuses.  We all are busy and improtant and working on something.  But if you look at Maslow's Heiarchy-little is more important than family.  Stop waiting to spend time with them.  Do it now.

This is just my take and I'm relatively young, but cell phones are not an excuse to be rude.  Love the ones you're with, right?

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