Recipe: Shrimp Ceviche

Several moons ago I worked in a restaurant, I know, this is new news. At this place there was a manager who didn’t have many redeeming qualities, but on occasion, he would make the staff ceviche in the middle of the day when it was slow. He always made a big production out of doing it, and you really just had to wait that out before he set it down and we would all share the treat and chat.

Pulled from my garden

I never really asked him for his recipe, because ceviche is so straightforward I just throw my own together. It’s especially helpful this time of year because many of the items you need are in your garden and its too hot to start the stove.

So here is how I put together ceviche.

Shrimp Ceviche

Serves 2 or 20

Can be an appetizer, but my husband I and just eat it as a meal.

You can tweak the portions as you prefer and don’t overthink what kind of tomatoes you have-yes, some are runnier, but its just the nature of it. Exact is not ceviche’s style.

Everything gets diced or chopped like you’re making pico de gallo.

3 large tomatoes or 6-8 plum

2 cucumbers peeled

3 jalapenos (leave some of the seeds if you want more heat)

1 medium onion (more if you prefer)

1 avocado (more if you prefer)

the juice of 2 limes

1lb thawed cooked shrimp (dice this too)

3/4cup chopped cilantro

salt (to taste)

white pepper (optional)

Mix up and serve with chips!

Will keep in the fridge for up to 1 night. If you want to make it the day before, wait and add the avocado right before serving.



Shrimp Ceviche

Shrimp Ceviche

Yield: 2-20
Author: Carmen Champion
This fresh tasting appetizer is so good, you will just eat it as your dinner!


  • 3 large tomatoes or 6-8 plum
  • 2 cucumbers peeled
  • 3 jalapenos (leave some of the seeds if you want more heat)
  • 1 medium onion (more if you prefer)
  • 1 avocado (more if you prefer)
  • the juice of 2 limes
  • 1lb thawed cooked shrimp (dice this too)
  • 3/4cup chopped cilantro
  • salt (to taste)
  • white pepper (optional)


To prepare
  1. Mix up in a bowl and serve with chips!


Will keep in the fridge for up to 1 night. If you want to make it the day before, wait and add the avocado right before serving.

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