Two Truths and a Change to Foodigen

Truth #1: I'm not an idle person.  I was raised in an active environment and it is something I have grown to cherish as an adult.  People seem to marvel at my 'activities' and how I spend my time.  Levi has grown accustom to coming home to changes all the time (bless his heart) and has even started taking pictures of some of my endeavors (although I'm slightly convinced the motive is more to document my elapsing sanity). 

Truth #2: I have an insatiable appetite for information.  I have discovered Coursera and Skillshare-have been taking different classes and telling my friends about these sites who share in my need for information.  I've had people tell me its a generational thing...I don't really care what it is, but the need to learn and share have been something always present about me. 

I want to share more with you.  I want you to read my blog and take away pieces of value.  It takes time for each blogger to find their own voice and maybe I'm still finding mine, but at least we'll be learning something a long the way.

Ok, so there are really 3 Truths.  #3: I grew up in the country, but reside in a little apartment in the city.  I have lived in the same apartment for almost 8 years-the plan was not to be here so long, but so it goes, here I am.  I love my little peaceful place and have adapted to it-as I have adapted it to me.  In my 13 years of apartment living, I have picked up great items and tips for others and have frequently been sought out for tips or ideas.  So, I added a page to Foodigen, for those who, like me, are living in an apartment and calling it home.  Whether it be for a short time, or a long one, each home is wonderful as long as its yours. 

So, please keep an eye out for my thoughts and ideas for small apartment/home living ideas! 

A Simple Coat Rack for a Small Apartment


Washington, Illinois-how you can help