Warning: Human Writing. Is it ok to be ME now?

 She asks as she peeks her head out of her home. 

Jesus, it's been around 10 years since I regularly posted here. I've missed it. I've missed you. I made some friends here and then, well, maybe I got lost a little. Don't you think we have to get lost a bit to find ourselves? Yeah, me too. And I lose myself regularly. It's a good thing I'm not famous. I wouldn't have survived it. 

The funny thing is, I keep getting called back over here, but I didn't know how to 'brand' myself. Who am I? Ten years ago, the blogging world was more narrow, you were supposed to 'stay in your lane', if you talked about food, that's all anyone wanted to hear from you. And I struggled with that, because I had more to say on more topics. So does that make this a lifestyle blog, Carmen? 

I don't fucking know. It makes it a human writing a blog. I want an avenue to write and here it is. Maybe there will be things you find interesting, funny, helpful. But honestly, if you don't ever read this, I don't care. I just need an outlet to write. And pretending there is someone to say it to helps more than plugging things into Word.

I will say, my students have been a source of encouragement to come back to this. I put a little letter in my weekly newsletter and their kind words have helped keep me going. Helped remind me how much I love being here. So if any of you are reading this, thank you for that. And thank you for thinking I still have something interesting to say. One of these days, maybe we'll all get wise and realize I don't, but I'll still be writing to the void. I don't want to put this down again.


The night Bea and I went out on a Wednesday.


In & Out: Living with someone battling depression