Weekly Letter: Swami Kripalu living his truth

*Weekly Letter is the letter I include in my weekly yoga studio newsletter.*

I recently attended a lecture about Pranakriya and how it links back to Shiva. I’ve heard this lecture before, but its been a few years and I had never heard it from this director. As I’m listening, I’m noticing new stories and details I hadn’t picked up on before.

I posed a question to the lecturer, when I realized there was a 10-year span between when Swami Kripalu’s teacher left and him taking his renunciate vows. The lecturer had mentioned he became famous quickly after taking his vows (within a couple years) I asked, ‘how did he get famous so quickly?’ This was a time (the 1930’s-40’s) before social media and most monks used their two feet to get from village to village. Word spreading quickly, was much harder to come by.

During those 10 years, Swami Kripalu had an incredibly dedicated spiritual practice. So much so, he became known for it among those he was around. A dedicated practice like his wasn’t a standard practice, this was deeper, more involved and people noticed. He wasn’t living the life of a renunciate monk during this time, he was living his life like you and I, as a householder. His occupation was writing for a traveling theatre group in the 30’s, but still, he continued to practice, to learn and to be devout to something beyond his occupation.

After Swami Kripalu took his renunciate vows, much of the rest of his life is documented with people paying very close attention to him-as his fame lent him more watchful eyes, but I’m curious about those 10 years where he defied all odds and followed a force that was clearly awake deep inside of him.

To be on this newsletter, something about yoga or the practice piqued your interest. Maybe you have yet to take a class, but you wanted to find something out about MSY that would help you decide to try a class. In my opinion, being here, reading this, your practice of yoga has already begun. The moment you realize there could be something out there for you to experience from this life, something that might answer a question or fill a void you have begun a new level of inquiry.

I invite you to sit with that inquiry and maybe write about it. Don’t worry about where the story takes you, but allow yourself some space to process it. Asking yourself questions can create new conversations that may have not been possible without dedicated attention. And maybe, these questions will guide you to your mat.

Keep asking questions,



Weekly Letter: Discovering Samkhya Philosophy in an unlikely place


Whatta December, What December?