Weekly Letter: Getting off track

I noticed myself getting off track last week. Letting things take longer than they should, talking to people in the shop longer than I normally would, feeling disconnected from my work and crossing my fingers that the motivation will come.

It never did. My list of tasks went undone and I moved into the weekend unsettled by its lingering effects.

This week begins with the sense of rush to do it all. To make sure I don’t waste any time and don’t go into the weekend repeating the feeling that I didn’t accomplish what I needed to.

In reflection, I did get some things done. I had 3 different events I had been working on happen, I came to a conclusion on something I’d been stressing over, we fostered a puppy and I had several meetings for future planning.

I have to remind myself that the time will pass and inside of it, there will be many small tasks, or few broad occurrences. A process of immersion, integration, resolve, then looking ahead at what’s next. All is apart of the cycle of work-whether it’s the practice or the 9-5.



Weekly Letter: Emerging


Weekly Letter: Falling in love with the process