Weekly Letter: Have we lost the spirituality in yoga?

Sometimes I miss when yoga was still very mysterious. When people used to tell me ‘yoga lets the devil in’ and make other weird comments to me. When the practice was more spirituality and we used to tell people it was a ‘stretch’ class to take some of the fear out of trying yoga.  

I worry we might have overcorrected.

Today’s modern yoga puts so much emphasis on the physicality of the practice, the spiritual pieces are falling off in a rapid way and it makes me wonder if there are still people out there looking the spiritual bits. Or can modern society only connect to themselves through sweating and stretching themselves close to the point of injury?

What is so scary about considering the possibility of opening the door to spiritual work and getting to know yourself in a way that is new. Opening Pandora’s box on the soul and coming face-to-face with what it possible.

I’m not suggesting a god or anything specific to that. I’m suggesting we are apart of a divine mystery and taking the time to bask in its wonder.



Weekly Letter: Falling in love with the process


Weekly Letter: The Power of Consistency