A Cookbook & Cobbler!

Last week, my mother and I received a cookbook as a gift from our new friend Susan Hoblit.  Susan is apart of the Atlanta Better-Business Bureau and actively works to help encourage tourism.  It is important to note, I'm not speaking of Atlanta, Georgia-as so many believe at first.  I'm speaking of Atlanta, Illinois-which sits on Old Route 66 and has been featured on many documentaries and travel shows covering Route 66 ( a personal favorite is Billy Connolly's Route 66).  Atlanta has revitalized their quaint downtown area to feature a Route 66 Museum, a cafe and some boutiques-along with weekend events to promote the community and encourage wary travelers to stick around.  Going through the guest book at the museum is one of the best parts for me-as you will see people from Australia, New Zealand and various parts of Europe have traveled through Atlanta.  Levi and I are especially thrilled to see this as he grew up there and I, not far away.

Its exciting to see your small hometown reinvent itself and develop or grow their businesses-as so many of these little towns are becoming extinct.  Susan and Deb Menken compiled recipes from members of the community to create a cookbook called, The Cooking Journey: Route 66 Atlanta, Illinois, to commemorate the people of Atlanta and to share a little local flare. 

I wanted to try a recipe out from the book and when I found #2 peaches at the Farmer's Market-I found my opportunity.  (Side Note: #2 peaches are slightly dented and bruised-perfect for baking.  #1's are better for eating). 

I thought about making pie, but when I saw the cobbler recipe I had to try it! Being a self-published cookbook, you get the charm of the independent perspective by knowing the book isn't going to be heavily edited and manufactured, but be aware that typos can occur-so just go with your instincts!  The cobbler recipe calls for shortening in the directions, but milk in the ingredients-use the milk, not the shortening.

Since I used #2 peaches, I made sure to cut out all the bruises-a quick process since peaches are so soft to slice.  The entire recipe came together quickly and browned in the oven beautifully-the peaches thickened and bubbled when finished.

We decided to have our cobbler ala mode and I must say-we had seconds!

For your own copy of The Cooking Journey, please send $15, plus $3 for each book ordered to Susan Hoblit PO Box 490 Atlanta, IL 61723.  Be sure to include your contact information and mailing address.  All proceeds go to The Atlanta, IL Better Business Association helping the area develop their business district.  

*This is not a sponsored Post!

Current Obession: Grilled Zucchini


Pickled Onions: My takeaway from The Windy City