Cooking with Animal: How to make a Quiche

My girlfriend, The Animal, lives in a faraway land and is a cooking neophyte.  Recently married, she and her husband, Thunder Chicken (TC), are looking to enjoy a few more dinners at home each week.  Upon her ecstatic request, I am teaching her how to cook via blog.  Enjoy!

Dear Animal,

I do not remember when or where I picked up making quiche, but it is another item in my regular rotation of menu items.  I throw a quiche together for a variety of purposes: to impress, because I have leftovers in the fridge, but primarily I make quiche because I'm feeling lazy.

Its SO easy to make and you can vary it however you choose!  I will say, I find a three ingredient quiche to be ideal.  I also use store-bought crust.  All those snooty foodies can scoff-I know how to make crust, but this is easier and totally plays into the 'lazy' aspect of this dinner.

What you will need:
  • A glass (or metal) pie dish

Serves 2-4

  • 1 9 inch pie crust (you can find them with the cans of crescent rolls in the refrigerated section)
  • 5 eggs
  • 1- 1 1/2 cups shredded cheese (I prefer cheddar or colby jack)
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 small onion - chopped
  • 1/2 green pepper - chopped
  • 4oz can of mushrooms - drained
  • Tony Chachere's

Take pie plate and spray a light dusting of PAM over the inside.  Next roll crust out over the pie plate.  Think of pie crust like play-dough, if it comes apart a little, you just smoosh it back in place.  Gently press the dough around the inside of the plate so it settles into the right shape (perfection not required!).  Take your shredded cheese and cover the bottom of the shell with cheese.

Tip: The reason was layer the cheese first is because it creates a barrier between the water in the veggies and the pie crust.  Without the cheese there to protect it, your shell will be a gooey mess.

Layer your onion, pepper and mushrooms evenly over the top.

In a bowl, crack open 5 eggs.  Add 1/2 cup milk and a heavy dusting of Tony's (or Charley's).  Whisk together with a whisk or fork until everything is blended.  Pour over veggies.

Bake in oven on the lowest shelf, uncovered at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 45 minutes or until the top of the quiche doesn't jiggle when moved.

I will serve this with a little salad or just some veggies and dip.


PS:  Bacon is awesome in this, but I recommend cooking and crumbling the bacon first! 


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