Weekend Wino: Casas Del Toqui Carmenere Single Estate & Cilantro Pork Pitas

Its the weekend again!  Time to pick out a special bottle of wine to ring-in your days off and savor the fresh Spring air!  We have once again been working with Wine Chateau to 'uncork life' and taste luxury. 

This week I've had the pleasure of tasting Casas Del Toqui Carmenere Single Estate from Chile!  This Carmenere wine contains soft black & blue berry flavors with chocolate and tobacco notes.

THE WINE: Casas Del Toqui Carmenere Single Estate

Fun Fact: Carmenere grapes are originally grown for a Bordeaux, but have gained popularity on their own in Chile.

Other types of dishes that would work with the Carmenere:You will have good luck pairing this wine
with heavy, dark meat.  I think next time I may try pairing this with duck.

Tip: Since this wine is in the Bordeaux family, it is important to decant the wine to aerate out the harsh tannins of the wine.  This wine, I found was no exception-initially it was very harsh. 

Here is my favorite aerator:

Essential Wine Aerator
  This is easy to use, easy to store and easy to clean!  Plus it works quickly! 

Cilantro Pork Pitas
Serves 4

4 pork chops-marinated in a pineapple juice (overnight) and then rubbed with your choice of seasoning
1/2 yellow onion - thinly sliced
1 tomato - sliced
pita bread
sour cream mixed with some of the grill seasoning

Grill off the pork chops to desired temp.  Warm pita bread in the microwave or in a skillet.  Smear sour cream mixture on pita, followed by pork, and toppings.

Serve with grilled brussel sprouts (cut in half and seasoned with olive oil, salt and pepper) and grilled pineapple slices.



Small Batch Canning: Tomatoes


Cooking with Animal: How to make a Quiche