Ponderings: Can we bring the European lifestyle to America?

I do a LOT of reading, so much so I'm pretty sure my boyfriend gets jealous of my library card.  Books allow me to transcend beyond the burger-and-fries of my town to the buttery croissants of Paris, the wines if Italy and the spices of India.  Its a cheap way to live an expensive lifestyle and develop knowledge of new cultures.  I like where I live, but I'd like to not live here even more. 

Currently, I'm reading The Kitchen Counter Cooking School by Kathleen Flinn and early in her book Kathleen touches upon something that has been a reoccurring theme (to me) lately.  The differences in the walking and eating cultures between America and Europe.  How in America we are too busy and drive EVERYWHERE and we don't have time to stop and make our own food.  At the same time, we are gorging ourselves with franken-meals and soda.  This American mentality has begun to cross seas to the point where other countries are starting to see an increase in their waistlines due to adapting American dietary shortcuts.  A newly coined term: globesity has become a serious topic.

Now, I'm not going to get on my little soap-box about junk food and soda (today), but I do wonder: if we can make such an impact on Europe-why cant we turn these tables and let Europe make more of an impact on us?  What kind of European habits can we make in our daily lives?  I'm going to leave you with a few articles to ponder and please leave comments on what some of your thoughts or experiences have been.  What can work vs what couldn't.  I'd love to hear what you have to say!


WGLT Blues Festival, AKA: One of the things this town does right!


Talk a tour through America's Oldest working seaport beginning Memorial Day Weekend!