Photos from Chicago

I can never decide whether its better to take the photos on my phone or camera, so I do a little of both.  I try so hard not to look like a tourist or an annoying foodarazzi and Lisa assured me all weekend I wasn't (thank you!), but I still feel a little silly taking photos of everything I eat and drink before I touch it.  I guess I just need to suck it up!

Here are the photos from my camera from out Chicago weekend! Enjoy!
View from my hotel

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This was in a building across from us-LOVED the pool table in the employee break area!

View from the pool on the 27th floor!

The newly redone rooftop of the building next door!

This is a building across the street from The Publican

Outside of the Aviary and near Next

Lisa thought this was funnier than I did! ;)

A sign in Fulton Market

The entire neighborhood smells like chocolate and of course we had to stop in!  Their turtle bites are the best!


Chicago: Brunch at The Publican


Good Morning Chicago!