Weekly Letter: Detours as a Universal Message

It feels like everything is breaking lately. I tried to change the battery in a key fob and couldn’t get it back together, the dehumidifier I bought is signaling an error message, I set up the pool and the chlorinator is sending an error, Levi got a flat tire, the studio phone has been acting up.

When all this happens, I wonder if it isn’t some kind of sign to let go. That ultimately our perception of control is a lie and to sit down and receive the universal message that we are not in control.

For a time, a series of events pan-out the way we expected them to because when you make plans, often things fall together (the odds). So, at some point, your plans are destined to get messed up to keep the odds in balance. If all of your plans come into fruition, you would be impossible. The ego-mind would latch onto this and you would be the Planning Royalty! Or just lucky. But either way, being confident that all the best laid plans happen exactly the way you want them to is in fact a luxury.

What’s more important and something the universe is regularly trying to teach us, is how to react to change. To remember to be in the moment and not to invest so much of our time into expecting what’s next.

Small examples are all around us: road construction (Yes, I heard you sigh reading that one), rain, someone cancelling plans, etc..

You actually make adjustments all the time to changes, some of them just bother you more than others. Instead of being a place to dwell, can they become reminders to check and choose your reaction? Can this begin a practice of pivoting your reaction so you can adjust to the change faster?

Even if a few swear words slip out first?



Weekly Letter: Walking into June


Weekly Letter: Getting in a rut