Weekly Letter: Getting in a rut

What is the thing that pulled you out of a rut? Was it a quote? A friend? An awareness?

Last week it was an honest conversation with my husband that illuminated a small rut (routine) we had found ourselves in. Truths from the past are no longer our truths and it was playing out in our weekly routine. For example, our Tuesday night routine was because he used to play softball on Tuesdays and he doesn’t anymore. So why does that night have to play by those same rules?

As I moved through the week, I had 3 more conversations with friends/family that all centered around certain areas in life that had stopped working or grew a bit stagnant. Is it the recent sunshine and warm weather shedding light on this or are we just people moving toward others with likening energy?

While, I cant answer that for certain. I did some think-work on my own ruts and how their stillness brought them to the surface. In yoga, brahmacharya talks about protecting our energy and funneling it into things that will give energy back instead of ‘spilling our energy’.

So ask yourself:

Is there an activity that works better for others than it works for you?

Do you now dread something you used to enjoy?

What would make it fun again? OR what would make you excited about it again?

Why did you begin doing this?

Is it still why you do it?

Is the thing stealing your energy something you still need to do?

Is this something you need to change completely OR just take a break from?

Let me know your thoughts!


Weekly Letter: Detours as a Universal Message


Weekly Letter: Learn your tendency