Weekly Letter: Observing Mother Nature

Driving to Heyworth on Saturday to do the 1st Yoga at the Farm event, the sky was grey and the ground was the most vibrant of greens.  I’ve never been to Ireland, but I imagine the rolling plains South of Bloomington looking similar to Ireland as they radiated with the color of new growth.

The sky gently released the nourishing water and it was though the ground relaxed into it-like people might in a hot bath. My entire surroundings breathing the heavy, humid air.

I stayed careful to watch my driving more than the landscape, but it really was doing Mother Nature’s bidding by calling me in as I took mental snapshots to tell Levi about later. All the while hoping anyone taking this same drive was able to have a couple seconds to enjoy the overwhelming vastness of what takes shape in such a short time.

Stop safely and look around to breathe it in,



Weekly Letter: The Story of the Koi Pond


Weekly Letter: Walking into June