Weekly Letter: The Story of the Koi Pond

There is a story about a grandfather and a grandson looking at a koi pond. The grandfather asks his grandson, 'How many fish are there?'

"Twelve," replies the grandson.

"How many ponds are there?" the grandfather asks.

"One," says the child.

"No, there are twelve," says the grandfather.

This story comes into play in so many contexts. The more modern phrasing might go along the lines of, 'Don't judge someone unless you've walked a mile in their shoes.'

I wonder though, do we judge others more than we judge ourselves? We see the practice and hope for the result, but what is the result we seek? Do we ever look at ourselves and the miles we've walked and been in awe of how far we've come?

Or is it only in photos and hard reminders do we gain such insight onto ourselves?

These questions are all rhetorical, asking you for a moment of self-inquiry.

Consider your journey,



Weekly Letter: Forgiveness -Part 1


Weekly Letter: Observing Mother Nature